What is Love?

What is love? Defined, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone.  Who came up with that interpretation? I don’t think love can even be defined or articulated in the words of our language.  Love is such a strong feeling of entanglement with another, on all levels – emotionally, physically, and mentally.  Love is a passion and lust for someone, so bad, that without it you undergo withdrawals so serious they can cause illness.  Love is a drug, a curse, a battle of learning how to balance holding on and letting go.  Love is jealously consumed in hope.  Love is a leap of faith.  Love is trust – trusting wholeheartedly in another while leaving yourself fully exposed, all while knowing the odds are against you.  Love is a full time commitment and responsibility.  Love is self-control.  Love is rare.  Love is tiresome, but, at the same time, love is utter bliss, making it all bearable, making every downfall quickly forgotten and go seemingly unnoticed.  Love is ecstasy – this crazy high, a roller coaster, and an ego boost.  Love is indescribable, unbelievable and intangible.  I think it’s more than emotion; it’s a state of being.  Love won’t succumb to change, love can only be suppressed, not altered.  Real love won’t dissipate; it’ll always remain – no matter the distance, no matter the time.  Love is a challenge.  Love is high expectations piled with low realizations.

 “Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, & to those who still love even though they’ve been hurt before.”

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