Make Love Famous

During the peak hours of the morning, I leave my apt. everyday and embark on a new adventure, a new day. Between working and attending law school full time, my typical 9a-5pm grew into a 5:30a-8pm. And throughout my 15-hour day I come into contact with tons of people each day, from all walks of life. From cashiers & baristas to attorneys & judges, I found that there’s a constant among all these individuals – something that keeps us the same despite society’s attempt to classify us differently: the need for love. I’m not talking about your cliché, desperate need for some romantic, steamy relationship (although that may be as equally as important). I’m talking about love for one another – for human kind. Although some of you may think that I’m using the word love to loosely, why shouldn’t we use it more? Why shouldn’t we scream it from rooftops and shower all the pedestrians below in its bliss?

After passing countless people, picking up morning coffee, walking to work and school, I’ve realized how important a ‘thank you’ could be, after one holds open a door. Something as simple as a smile can truly change things, if even just for a moment. A compliment from a stranger sometimes resonates with us more than a compliment from someone we know (because they must mean it if they had to muster up the courage just to approach a stranger to tell them. Right?). Anyway, day after day, I’ve noticed that too many people walk with their heads down, too many are tied up in their thoughts, woes or technology, without realizing that each person around them is pushing through a similar struggle – just one they call their own. However, the moment someone lifts their head and voices a ‘good morning,’ is the moment we begin to break the barrier and start to boost up one another. That’s the moment we realize we can help each other, rather than ignore each other.

But the question remains, how do you make people divert away from their typical behaviors? How do you persuade people to step out of their comfort zone and give someone else a compliment? How do you make love famous? You start with yourself. It’s a common misconception that we can’t start movements on our own. But, truly, all you need is one person to start a trend and then just watch it grow.

About a week or so ago I began to put in the effort. A ‘good morning’ to strangers I shared a bus stop wait with, a shared joke with a deli cashier and the extra effort to dash across the street to ask a girl where she got her ‘to-die-for’ boots. Some of my friends laughed at the idea, some people I approached completely brush me off – but I had a few good laughs, stepped out of my comfort zone and met some people I normally would’ve never shared words with (whilst learning some new things). At most I received a genuine ‘thank you’ and sweet comments in return – but it meant something more to me… in some way, somehow.  Maybe I haven’t done anything overly powerful, but I think everything we do in this world can make a difference, to someone, somewhere. My attempts to shower someone with praise, offer a helping hand or simply make a positive effort, oftentimes revealed some effects immediately. That same individual, in turn, became more cheerful to the next person they come into contact with – and the domino effect begins. A compliment or two, a good deed or a few encouraging words don’t cost anything more than mere minutes – so why not? Seriously, why not? What’s holding you back? (likely nothing but yourself).

More recently I came across ‘the world needs more love letters’ movement and relished in this wonderful concept because it aligned with my own recent thoughts. We don’t need recognition for everything we do, the knowledge that we helped in making today a good day for any one, everyone should be satisfying enough. We are helping make love famous, infecting all those around us with love and affection, with hopes that it will grow and spread through the world around us (the most powerful disease). Make a difference and share the love – together we can!

I encourage you all to take part in the movement and check out this awesome site to get involved:

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